Sales Programs

Work with Milton

Consulting Service

Milton is currently not traveling, but he is available for phone consultations. Space is limited, and the investment is $1,500 USD per hour. Please contact our office at 1 (305) 466-7000 or fill out the following form.

Milton as Your Strategic Advisor

Milton serves as a strategic advisor for business owners, CEOs, and presidents. This requires a commitment of $20,000 USD per month with full access to Milton. Obviously, these slots are limited, so please check for availability. Contact our office at 1 (305) 466-7000 or fill out the following form.

3 Percent Online Academy

Nurture yourself with this world-class platform rich in knowledge. From advancements in sales and marketing to business tips that will help you stay ahead in your industry, and advice to rapidly grow your business, you will learn this and much more within the 3 Percent Online Academy.

Other winning topics include: The art of group presentations that close 60% of the audience, tips for mastering one-on-one meetings, setting up your virtual office on a minimal budget, and more.

Conferences, Workshops, and Seminars

Milton is available for conferences, sales workshops, and seminars. For more details, please click here.

Consulting Service

Milton is currently not traveling, but he is available for phone consultations. Space is limited, and the cost is $1,500 USD per hour. Contact our office at (305) 466-7000 or fill out the following form.

Sales Consulting and Optimization

"What isn't measured, doesn't grow!" Allow Milton to apply his extensive knowledge and dive into your company and sales processes, helping you uncover what’s failing, competitive advantages, untapped opportunities, ignored markets, and other factors causing your sales and sales agents to stagnate.

The goal of this strategic consulting is to provide the management team and field with a revitalized sales system filled with new conversations, systems, and KPIs that will optimize the sales model, making ideal clients better connect with the company, its brand, and its solutions. When executed correctly, the company will experience significant, rapid, and lasting sales growth. Contact our office at (305) 466-7000 or fill out the following form.

Milton as Your Strategic Advisor

Milton serves as a strategic advisor for business owners, CEOs, and presidents. This requires a commitment of $20,000 USD per month with full access to Milton. Obviously, these slots are limited, so please check for availability. Contact our office at 1 (305) 466-7000 or fill out the following form.

Virtual Training

Milton is available for virtual training sessions. The price of a virtual training session is 50% of the cost of an in-person session. Please click on the following link for more details.


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